
Business Benefits

Improved Quality of Outcomes

Broader inclusion, better coordination, improved response, improved thoroughness and stronger oversight all lead to improvements in the quality of patient outcomes and patient satisfaction, a key business metric.

Better Resource Utilization

Higher personal productivity among consultants and more accurate assessment of resources utilized in consultation activities support greater resource utilization efficiency and effective capacity planning.

Growing Knowledge Base

Ongoing recordation of information, activities, and outcomes leads to a growing knowledge base that can retrospectively inform current activities and help identify patterns and trends that can be used to improve policy formulation and consultation methods.

More Effective Training

Suggested workflow framework can serve as a real-time guide to less experienced staff in pursuing consultation activities. Review of past cases can promote improved skills and insights.

Risk Mitigation - Litigation Support

In the event of difficult outcomes with potential legal consequences, be prepared to demonstrate adherence to established policy and best practices in ethics consultation.